Governance Principles

Journey School is committed to effective school governance. At the heart of our approach to governance are seven proven principles championed by non-profit board experts Brian Carpenter and John Carver. These principles, tailored to Journey School, are as follows:

Seven Enduring Principles for Effective Governance



Govern as Stewards Stewardship is central to governance. Council members serve the interests of the community and public, not themselves.
Establish Organizational Purpose Council establishes and adheres to the school‟s mission, vision, philosophy, and values.
Exercise Fiduciary Responsibility Council has a fiduciary responsibility to safeguard every stakeholder‟s right to physical and emotional safety in the school, especially through oversight of the school‟s finances and property.
Delegate Authority and Ensure Accountability Council delegates administrative authority. This delegation begins with the selection of an exceptional school leader.
Speak and Act as One Council recognizes that individual Council members do not possess any authority of the Council as individuals. Once the Council speaks as a unit, either through approved written policy or adopted resolution, all Council members are obligated to support the action.
Do What Matters Most Council spends most of its time on what matters most. This includes setting governance policies and monitoring student outcomes, as well as overseeing the school‟s finances and growing the school‟s resources.
Invest in Board Capacity The principles of good governance must be learned and practiced. Council allocates regular time and energy to develop its own governance capacity.