Kelli Garcia’s journey as a Waldorf teacher began 25 years ago when she was obtaining her California Teaching Credential at Sonoma State University. Inspired by a friend’s amazing teenage son, she visited the Waldorf school he attended as an assignment for a class on alternative education models. In that moment, it became clear to her that should she have children of her own, they would be Waldorf-educated. That came to fruition when her son joined the Waldorf School of Orange County. Kelli worked in the kindergarten classroom at WSOC for many years when her daughter became a student of the school, as well. She then worked as the Sunflower kindergarten teacher at Journey School. Her children transitioned into Independent Study students while homeschooling with Waldorf curriculum. Miss Kelli now has joined the Journey School again to bring her experience of homeschooling to the home based families in Independent Study. She believes strongly that all children should have access to Waldorf education, whether they are in a brick-and-mortar school or at home.