Kelly has taught 1st-8th grade for 34 years, and discovered Waldorf education 20 years ago. She taught 13 years at City of Lakes Waldorf school in Minneapolis, a private Waldorf setting. In 2017, Kelly moved back to California to join Journey School. Prior to joining the Waldorf world, Kelly taught 6th-8th grades in public and alternative school. She usually taught math, science, dramatic arts and teen issues, and developed curriculum and programs to better meet the needs of the students. In 2000, Kelly completed a Master’s in Teaching and Learning from St. Mary’s University and became an adjunct professor with the same program for the next 9 years. While teaching in the research based Masters of Education program Kelly’s understanding of brain research and learning styles deepened, and she found them continually reflected in the best practices of the Waldorf classroom.
Kelly began her Waldorf journey teaching 7th grade. After 8th grade graduation she started her first 1-8 grade journey. Kelly completed an 80 hour training program with the Orton Gillingham tutoring model before picking up her second first grade class. In the next two groups of first and second graders, she used this phonics based training to supplement and deepen students’ understanding of language within the Waldorf whole language writing before reading approach. She found that mainstream research and Waldorf pedagogy blended well.
Coming to the end of another eight year journey with her current class, Kelly is once again enjoying the energy, insights and humor of middle school students. Merging the incredible insights and thought provoking pedagogy of the private Waldorf education with best practices and free to all education of the public schools, Kelly is thrilled to work with teachers, parents and children in the charter school movement to find connections and deepen understanding. She never tires of learning from others and excitedly sharing what she has learned.