Authentic and Deeper Learning in Journey’s 8th Grade

Haley wrote a novel. Chloe installed clean water filters in a rural Nicaraguan village. Simon studied the evolution of music and is ready to jam on the guitar. Serena tapped the wisdom of the elderly. And John explored static electricity. Do you want to see what 8th Graders are truly capable of when they’re empowered […]

Carson’s Eagle Scout Project and 8th Grade Class Gift

8th Grader, Carson, and his classmates spearheaded the making of a tree bench that is a beautiful new addition to the Journey School campus. As Carson’s Eagle Scout project and the 8th Grade class gift, 8th graders measured and cut wood under Mr. Martin’s careful observation. Carson’s scout troop sealed the wood, and later, a […]

Handwork is Hands-On

Journey’s third grade curriculum meets the children during their 9-year change by emphasizing practical activities and teaching many of the basic skills necessary for living.  Each year, third graders enjoy washing, carding, spinning and dyeing wool in the handwork block, “Sheep: from fleece to fabric”.  Weaving the beautiful wool ends the school year.     […]

Smarter Balanced & STAR Testing

Smarter Balanced and STAR Testing will continue running in the coming weeks.  The pilot Field Tests will not generate formal student results this year. The STAR test has been discontinued in ELA, Math, and History, but not in Science. STAR science testing will occur on May 14th for grades 5 and 8 only. Our school […]

6th Grade Students are “Knighted”

6th Grade students are in the midst of the Middle Ages. Throughout the year, they’ve learned about knights, King Arthur’s Roundtable, the impact of Charlemagne’s reign, the role of the church in shaping daily lives, the concept of social stratification, the importance of literacy in historical context, and much more. In typical Journey style, students […]

What You Need to Know About Common Core Assessments

As you may already know, Journey School, along with thousands of schools across California, will participate in a field test of a new assessment system designed to help shape teaching and learning in the classroom. Known as the California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress – or CAASPP – these computer-based tests replace the STAR […]

The Joy of Reading

Education should be an enjoyable, life-long process versus a race. In First Grade, for example, reading instruction is both explicit and developmental in order to spark student motivation and success. At Journey, students become literate through a ‘writing to reading’ approach that combines phonics and whole language approaches. Our First Grade students routinely do the […]