Immunization Guidelines

Dear Parent/Guardian:

Journey School is mandated to ensure that all students are up to date and/or compliant with the immunization requirements set forth by the California Department of Public Health.

To this end, we require that all incoming students submit complete immunizations documents to the school on or before May 31 of the year they are entering, or upon admission, if the student is admitted after May 31.

Additionally, if the School discovers that a student will not be able to become compliant with their immunizations before start of school, or immunization records are not accurate, the student will be subject to removal from enrollment.  

The following options are available:

  1. Update Journey School if our list of immunizations is not up to date. Please email updated immunization records to our registrar, Shoon O’Neill, ( or drop updated records off at the front office.
  2. Apply for a permanent or temporary medical exemption through your pediatrician. All medical exemptions must be submitted through the CAIR-ME online database by the date stated on your immunization non-compliance letter or the student will be excluded from attendance.

For more information, please visit or call the front office at 949-448-7232.